javascript:void(0) busy that day...: just like starting over.

it's not me, it's you.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

just like starting over.

Attempting to make good on my promise to update more, I've merged my two blogs into one.  This site used to be my private space, but I prefer the name to my other space, as it will allow me to focus more on my every day life instead of solely on relationship building between Jeremy and I.  We've never discussed my blogging, quite frankly because I think he might be uncomfortable with it.  So, out of respect for that, I'm getting a bit of a fresh start!  Or, in the words of Teen Girl Squad, I'm going for "A WHOLE NEW STYLE!"

That being said, I've spent A LOT of time working on the design, layout and overall mood of my page.  I'm admittedly a novice at all of this-- it's taken me probably 10 hours to get this far in terms of coding, fonts, images and the like.  So, fellow bloggers, what tips and tricks do you recommend for using html/css?  How long did it take you until you felt your blog was just right?


  1. I look forward to more posts from you! I wish I had coding tips but as someone currently contemplating a redesign/retitling/etc. of their blog I am useless.

    P.S. I haven't seen Teen Girl Squad in years. Awesome reference!

  2. I think it'll take a year to get where I want to be. I want to customize with a lot of my own artwork,etc. Another blogger told me a bout a site called Picnik - a bit like Photoshop but easier. Tell me what you think....

  3. Mine took a few months before I got a good header and good graphics. My first header (that I loved) was made in paint! I had a friend with photoshop skillz make my current one.

    It will morph over time. I was just playing with my layout today. That's really all you can with it until your'e happy!

    (that's what she said)

  4. I took a look at Picnik, but it looks like the things I would want to use aren't free.

    I use Picasa here at work for photo editing and tried it today for a collage (see recent post). It worked well, but doesn't have all the features I want. Picnik looks to be about $25/yr for a premium membership... anyone out there have experience with it?
